Current Season
Busan International Contemporary Music Festival 2022
Digital Performance
(Due to travelling restrictions related to the pandemic, HKNME could only participate by contributing remotely.)
Busan Cinema Centre Library (Korea)
Music Composition Workshop - Music and Plague
Music composition workshop in collaboration with CUHK
Chamber music concerts featuring mellifluous classical music pairing an assortment of string instruments.
A multimedia experience combining live music, video and installation (Hong Kong premiere)
Garden of Tales
These interactive preview performances called “Garden of Tales” will guide you and your little ones through an exhilarating selection of musical works, old and new. Join us to experience the narrative power of music and observe how local artist Onion Peterman uses live illustration to enhance the music!
Dal Niente: Helmut Lachenmann in Portrait
Rather than exploring the musical potential of sounds produced by instruments, this aesthetic / conceptual framework focuses on underlining the conditions and pre-conditions in which sounds may emerge to become crucial elements in a musical narrative.
To Breathe, To Suffocate
Present and the past
together we cross paths in this space at last
Breathe in and breathe out
What was our suffocation about?